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Chapter 59 - Hide and Seek (4)

“Hey! Kang Hyuk.” 

“Where did you guys escape through?” 

Yamazaki and Yojimbo ran towards Kang Hyuk. From behind the two, Dmitri and his subordinates were watching their surroundings and spreading out. Even normal voices echoed around in the big empty ice castle. Dmitri ordered his subordintaes to keep watch in certain locations and came to join Kang Hyuk.

Kang Hyuk showed them the weapons Ortega had made. 

“Where did you get unicorn’s tear– Woah! What? Was one here?” asked Yojimbo, having finally noticed the unicorn. 

“I made it,” said Ortega. 

Yamazaki looked closely at the unicorn. It was white in color and blonde in mane and tail. Its eyes were red like rubies, and the horn on its forehead was turned towards the sky and sharp like a spear. It was definitely a unicorn. “How did you manage to create a unicorn?” asked Yamazaki. “If you made it, does that mean it’s just a fake one that looks real?” 

“No, it’s real,” replied Ortega. “I made it with my cells. I’ve eaten quite a few unicorns back in my day.” 

Watching Ortega giggle, Yamazaki, Yojimbo and Dmitri looked at each other in confusion. 


Chapter 59