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Chapter 60 - Infiltration (1)

The Elixir of Resurrection, Majaka, finally revealed itself to Kang Hyuk. It was in the shape of a dagger, and its handle was glimmering red. Kang Hyuk picked up the Majaka from where Kalarfocus’ heart had been. Did the mana from the dragon’s heart create this? he wondered. 

Kang Hyuk turned to Delorca with the Majaka in his hand. “Is this really the Elixir of Resurrection that you talked about?” 

“Yes. That’s the Majaka we know,” replied Jandelo and Delorca. 

Kang Hyuk turned to Dmitri, who had first found the Majaka. “Dmitri, did the Majaka you found look like this too?” 

“Right, exactly like that. But the handle part’s a bit different. The one we found was glimmering blue, but this one’s red,” answered Dmitri. 

“I see. Jandelo, Delorca. I will be taking this. I assume you have no complaints?” asked Kang Hyuk. 

Jandelo and Delorca wordlessly looked at each other. The magic circle that had been the source of the Ice Horse’s Breath was now gone, and Kang Hyuk had killed Kalarfocus, who had come out of the magic circle. The Majaka was a result of Kalarfocus’ death. They could not say that the Majaka was theirs. 

“We n...

Chapter 60