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Chapter 58 - Hide and Seek (3) 

Fio’s music became stranger and stranger. Kalarfocus wrinkled his eyebrows. Small ice fragments covered his ears, and the music that felt as though it was stabbing into his ears, stopped. Kalarfocus twirled his finger in the air. A crack appeared in the ground, and an ice soared up. The ice sharpened into the shape of spear blades. The ice pieces flew out in all directions. 

Fio was playing his instrument somewhere else, when an ice piece came flying at him. The ice pieces flew into an invisible wall and broke before reaching Fio. The invisible wall was a sound wave wall that the Undead soldiers below him had created. 

Kalarfocus discovered Fio’s location through the ice pieces. “I should get rid of the annoying thing first.” He transformed into ice and vanished. 

Seeing that Kalarfocus had disappeared, Jandelo spoke again. “Hey, this is our chance. Let’s make a path and get out of here.” 

Delorca ordered his subordinates to begin breaking the wall of ice. Meanwhile, Kang Hyuk summoned Ortega. 

“Ortega, can you make a spear blade with unicorn tears?” asked Kang Hyuk. 

“What? Right now? I mean, I can, but I need the materials.” 

Chapter 58