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Chapter 227

"Ian! Ian, wake up."


Ian slowly opened his eyes, hearing Searet's voice calling him in the morning.


His heavy body now felt somewhat refreshed.


He looked at Searet sitting on his stomach and chuckled, reaching out to stroke her head.


"Searet, have you been good?"


Last night, Ian had fallen asleep right after seeing Searet fast asleep, so he hadn't had a chance to greet her.


Searet must have been shocked to see him there when she woke up and immediately tried to wake him.


"Yeah, Searet was fine. But Ian, you're really too much!"


"I'm sorry, I didn't know it would take so long."


"Leaving me alone for days... You're mean. Searet thought you were dead."


Searet spoke, her eyes welling up with tears. Ian sat up and playfully poked Searet's cheek.


"Why would I die? I'm not easy to take down, so you don't need to worry."




Ian gently smiled and wiped away Searet's tears.


Finally, she turned her face...

Chapter 227