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Chapter 226

Ian and Daniel glanced at the monster's corpse and approached, cracking their knuckles.


"Well, let's see if there's anything good here."


Ian muttered as he rummaged through the monster's corpse.


Its red blood gushed out.


Ian took a step back to avoid the spurting blood.


"Phew, that's no joke."


There was mana in the creature's blood as well.


That was the reason it was so powerful.


"Still, it was pretty easy to beat considering how strong it was."


Daniel muttered, approaching from behind.


Ian chuckled and nodded in agreement.


He furrowed his brow and then approached the monster, giving it a light kick.


The creature moved limply as Ian made contact.


It seemed to be completely drained of energy and life.


'Well, it would be strange if it didn't die with its head blown off.'


Ian thought to himself as he raised Yseu and slashed the monster's stomach open.


The monster,...

Chapter 226