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Chapter 172

Seven officers gathered in the command barracks; their mood was severe.

The Kairos tribe was a dangerous group that now warred against Easton and the entire south.

The situation would only grow worse if they absorbed even the Elves here.

“However, there’s a problem. The Elves are so proud they may refuse to accept our help.”

“We may be attacked for offering help. We have to think carefully.”

They furiously voiced their opinions, but their decision was unanimous.

They had to support the Elves but remain careful.

None of the suggestions were practically helpful but instead seemed to float in the clouds.

They had to go to help, but again the risk was too high.

So, what the hell were they supposed to do?

This was bad, and that wasn’t good either.

It was a waste of time to fight like this.

“So, what are we going to do?”

Lanos pounded on the table and shouted once he couldn’t listen anymore.

When he asked for a proper answer on what to do, the officers fell silent.

They were frustrated as well.

Anyway, there was only one way forward—to help the Elves.

Chapter 172