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Chapter 170

The south was barren since the weather here was so severe it snowed 200 days a year.

Of course, rice and wheat could grow here, in addition to hearty plants.

There were more things that people couldn't eat, however. But on the contrary, there was an abundance of food for monsters.

It wasn't as overrun as the north, but there were plenty of monsters in the south as well.

Even if you killed one, the overall number didn’t seem to decrease, so they couldn’t be wiped out completely.

Plants in the south had as much vitality as the savages too, so unless there were monsters to devour them, they would grow out of control.

In addition, several species consumed the flesh and could be worse than the monsters if they grew out of control.

Thus, the people here only hunted a reasonable number of monsters to keep the local plant life contained.

Monster hunting happened periodically to cull the population to an acceptable amount, and today was the day for the hunt.

“The hunting team was injured recently.”

There was no reason for him to ask me to go hunting.

However, I didn't know if this was a coincidence or inevitable, but th...

Chapter 170