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Chapter 72 - Hidden (1)

After Frankenstroheim disappeared into the dungeon, Kang Hyuk and Yojimbo waited for their companions. 

“Do you know who runs this place?” asked Kang Hyuk. 

“Half are dwarves and half are humans,” answered Yojimbo. 

Kang Hyuk looked surprised. “Dwarves? Dwarves live here?” 

“They’re from the Ural mountains,” explained Yojimbo. “They’re living amongst humans. They’re pretty skilled as blacksmiths, so he gets a lot of requests and earns a lot of money. It’s very helpful to know them.” 

“Then did they make this dungeon too?” 

“Yeah. The humans did the designing. All the guys that had conflicts with the Imperial League, whose families were in ruins, and other kinds of escapees and such came here. This is Baba Yaga’s land, so the Imperial League can’t enter, and even if they did, they would’ve had to stay on the down low without causing any trouble.” 

The dungeon they were standing in front of was a place created by people who had had tasted failure because of the Imperial League. 

“The humans realized that they wouldn’t be safe to just stay here, so they went to the Ural mountains dwarves. They ended up...

Chapter 72