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Chapter 71 - Negotiation (4)

It was a Grip of the Deceased that Kang Hyuk had summoned. The hand pierced through the guard soldier’s chest and gripped his head and neck. The soldier’s helmet broke and with it also his skull. Watching the guard soldier meet his death, the other guard soldiers radioed each other. 

“It’s Undead magic. One of the men that came with Melladorf is a necromancer. Everyone, prepare!” 

“There’s an attack. Change of plans to kill Frankenstroheim.” 

The nearby guard knights who had been watching began running around. Frankenstroheim had a relaxed expression on his face. 

“Let’s take care of them and leave,” he said to Kang Hyuk. “I have to send a message to the royal family anyway.” 

The number of guard knights charging toward them were more than Kang Hyuk had anticipated. 

“Yojimbo, there weren’t that many when we came here,” Kang Hyuk said. 

“They were probably hiding nearby using concealment barrier magic. The barrier magic the Swedish royal guard knights use prevents  the flow of mana out.” 

Kang Hyuk looked at the oncoming group of guard knights as he summoned more Grips of the Deceased. The bones gra...

Chapter 71