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Chapter 49 - Elixir (4) 

Kang Hyuk’s goal in finding the Majaka was to resurrect his younger brother. 

“Hmm, Leningrad guild members are mostly specially trained in ice attribute magic,” said Yojimbo, having listened to Jandelo’s story. “In other words, they have a very high tolerance for ice magic when attacked with it, so most ice magic won’t work on them.” 

“They can’t have Undead resistance, so I will go take care of them now. But can you give me the Majaka then?” asked Kang Hyuk. 

Jandelo fell into thought. “Mm, Majaka is a special elixir for us. It’s a magical dagger that forms when the Ice Horse’s Breath comes blowing. It’s not something we can create ourselves, so...” 

“So you can’t give it to us?” 

Jandelo fell into deeper thought. Kang Hyuk’s offer was to return the land that the Leningrad guild’s humans have taken from them. It was definitely a tempting offer, but the payment was the Elixir of Resurrection. Even to the elves who live hundreds of years, death was a mystery. He wanted to keep the Majaka in case of death. The Ice Horse’s Breath was a kind of wind that blew only rarely in the region where they lived. Jandelo did not know when it would appear again to birth Majaka. Over...

Chapter 49