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Chapter 113 - Mana Oil Dungeon (4)

Kang Hyuk decided to destroy all mana resources and mana oil dungeons. 

“But isn’t it a bit of shame to destroy all mana oil in the Middle East? There’s really a lot here, you know,” said Frankenstroheim. 

“There are plenty of mana oil in Africa, South America, China and India. Same in the U.S. There are other places with just as much mana oil even if it’s not the Middle East. We need to get rid of the mana resources in order to take over the Middle East,” replied Kang Hyuk. 

“Then we’re making all of the hunters in the Middle East non-ability users.” 

“They can’t start a war if they’re non-ability users even if they wanted to. The weapons they use right now require mana to use them in the first place. If the power balance is off, the war will be over. I already have control over Russia and Europe, so the Middle East will be a simple place to manage.” 

“Then we should hit them all at once with the mana missiles. They’re probably setting up plans, so we better be quick.” 

“Report to me as soon as Anton gets into contact.” 

Yojimbo called Anton. The mana missile launchers were being positioned around the Middle East. The launch...

Chapter 113