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Chapter 63 - How Come the Kids Listen to You?

“Devil’s Hand? Why is he called so?”

"Why do you think he is? Because he abuses his hand skills. Do not overlook the fact that he’s from Sparta. As you know, attacks like clawing, biting, and eye jabbing are forbidden in Pankration. But that is allowed in Sparta. If you look at Uranus' games, he doesn't hesitate to attack, such as by bursting the opponent's testicles or stabbing their anus. Occasionally, he also stabs their eyes. He will do whatever it takes to win. As a result, there are very few fighters who challenge Uranus.”


Meogynes, who had been listening quietly, burst into laughter.

“It will be fun. Let’s see who will win: immortality or the devil. Anyway, thanks for the great info, Jupiter. It helped me a lot.”

“Nah, it’s not much. Anyone who likes watching Pankration knows it. To be honest, I’m on your side. Your games make the audience excited.”

Meogynes, who was sitting in the waiting room, started jumping in place.

“Make sure your heart doesn’t fall out today.”

Meogynes’ ambitious statement made Jupiter laugh. 

“Hahaha. I look forward to it. I need to prepare for the game's progress. See you later.”...

Chapter 63