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Chapter 38 - Finally Found Him

How do agencies and celebrities share revenue? 

Previously, the public had no idea how it went down because it was never revealed, but people now understand it generally. 

Well-known celebrities typically take 70% while leaving 30% to the agency. 

However, for rookie actors, it is uncertain whether they will break even, so the ratio is around 6:4 or 5:5, allowing the agency to take a more significant share. 

The revenue distribution ratio used to be uncertain; however, primarily due to Stellar Entertainment's prominent role in revealing and popularizing the so-called golden ratio of 7:3, the revenue distribution ratio is now more transparent.


A small meeting room at Stellar Entertainment. 

“Did you really sign this contract full of bullshit?”

Han Jeong-hee was astonished when she reviewed the contract that Jung Seol-ah used to have with BT Stars. 

Chapter 38