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Chapter 235

The meeting room was filled with nobles, and all eyes, including the Emperor's, were on Ariella.


She regarded them with an icy gaze, her voice hard and icy as she spoke.


"A sacrifice for the greater good? You all really need to come to your senses."


Ariella cast a sharp glance at the noble who mentioned sacrifice.


"I don't know how this country has managed to function until now, but the people are its foundation. Without them, there would be no empire."


"It's so refreshing," Yseu commented, and Ian secretly agreed with Ariella's words while hiding a smile.


The sight of Ariella at that moment was far more beautiful and impressive than anything Ian had seen from her before.


The people come first. It was a phrase that rulers often said for the sake of public sentiment, but it was a difficult one to put into practice.


However, Ariella attempted to do just that.


"I c...

Chapter 235