Chapter 8

As expected, Tessrun didn't wake me up for dinner. 

Tessrun used to call me only once to eat as far as I could remember, so if I didn't come out of the room, he put the dishes away. 

I thought I’d be hungry because I hadn't eaten anything, but maybe it was the effect of the lullaby that my first thought after waking up in the morning was that I wasn't really hungry. 

No, I felt rather lively. 

The moment I stretched out and turned toward the door. 


I heard someone coughing. 

“Are you awake, Young Master?" 

“Are you awake?” 


<The King of Heroes drools, claiming that maids are the best.> 


I ignored the King of Heroes and looked at the people in front of me. 

Including Tessrun, who had never come to greet me in the morning before; two young maids and a middle-aged woman bowed their heads to me. 

‘The law of causality...’ 

It seemed my fate had changed after defeating Hals yesterday. 

I didn't think it would change much, but it was enough to trigger the butterfly effect. 

<The King of Heroes examines the maid outfits with interest, asking why they’re here.> 

‘It’s probably to confirm my talent.’ 

It wasn't something I should just be pleased about. 

The moment my talent disappeared, their attitude would revert. 

I asked Tessrun, who kept his head down. 

“What’s going on?” 

“These servants will take care of the Young Master’s residence from now on.” 

“So suddenly?” 

"That's right. This is by the Duke’s order.” 

'The news even reached the Duke?' 

The outcome of the fate I predicted was, at best, a change in swordsmanship instructors. 

I couldn't imagine some non-abandoned servants would be placed where they kept the garbage they’d rather forget about. 

When I stood still, the young maids with trays and towels approached me. 

“You should wash...” 

I asked Tessrun, raising my hand to block them from approaching any closer. 

“What’s going on?” 

I had to repeat the question. 

Only then did Tessrun explain what had happened so far. 

“Yeah, to sum it up, it means I got a chance.” 

"That's right." 

Tessrun glanced at me before replying. 

To put it nicely, it was a chance. In truth, it was probably closer to observation. 

‘He’s not sure yet.' 

It was clear that Duke Eisen remained dubious. 

He couldn’t believe in my suddenly revealed talents, but he must have thought it was necessary to watch to make certain, so he sent people who could serve as his eyes. 

I ordered the maid, quietly holding a tray of water, to come closer. 


If my every move were reported to Duke Eisen, I would have to start acting differently. 

'I wouldn’t mind if only Tessrun were paying attention, but if the Duke is watching, it could become dangerous.' 

<The King of Heroes asks why.> 

'To put it simply, I’m just being alert.' 

At this time, an apparent successor hadn’t yet been identified. 

Besides, I had only heard the names of my brothers and sisters above me, but I didn’t know who they were or what they looked like. 

‘Probably, my older brothers and sisters know that I exist, though there's the possibility that they don't either.' 

Duke Eisen had five children: three boys and two girls. 

However, people continued to believe there were only two sons and daughters in the Duchy of Widia. 

That was understandable because the future me ran away from Hals's violence and the pressure to enter the Academy. 

“Breakfast is ready.” 

Feeling ‘served’ for the first time, I followed Tessrun to a room with a dining table next to the kitchen, not the actual kitchen where we typically ate. 

'It’s my first time coming here.' 

<The King of Heroes makes a puzzled expression.> 

<The King of Heroes wonders why you’d say you’re eating here for the first time when it’s only a few steps away from the kitchen.> 

'Because they didn't let me in.' 

I didn't know if they didn't let me in because they wanted to warn me of my position or because it was being saved for this day, but I left that behind and focused on the food on the table. 

The type of food hadn’t changed much. 

Soup and bread were the typical breakfast menu of the Duchy of Widia. 

However, the soup had meat instead of potatoes, and the bread looked very soft, unlike before. 

“…I'm not used to it.” 

I had never been treated like this before, and I wasn't used to this situation, as I only tasted meat after leaving the duchy. 

Above all, there was only food for me on the table. 

“What about you guys?” 

“We have set times to eat.” 

“…It’s changed. A lot has changed.” 

There was no more disgust in Tessrun's expression. 

As his behavior changed overnight, I instead missed the Tessrun from before. 

Ignoring their burdensome gazes, I scooped up the soup and brought it to my mouth. 

“After breakfast, the tutors will arrive.” 

My hand stiffened in place before I could enjoy my first bite. 

“You’re crazy.” 

My words caused the new servants standing quietly beside the table to blink in shock. 

Tessrun also looked at me as if he was a little perplexed, but soon he closed his eyes and replied as if it was nothing. 

“It’s natural as a member of the Duchy.” 

"It’s natural for a member of the Duchy…?” 

I chuckled and poured the soup into my mouth. 

The servants quietly watched as I ate. 

'Are they looking for a show of dignity?' 

Among them, the middle-aged woman, in particular, was checking my actions through narrowed eyelids. 

'I didn't know that life as a mercenary would be helpful at times like this.' 

<The King of Heroes asks how you know that.> 

'Because mercenaries are used to being stared at.' 

Should I say they were quick-witted rather than used to the stares? 

There was a reason that people said mercenaries made a living out of their wits rather than their swords. 

'And somehow, I just have the feeling that's the case.' 

It wasn't because of Super Intuition. 

I felt they were checking if the guy named Locke had enough talent to enter the battle for succession. 

After deducing their intentions, a sly smile tugged at my lips. 

<The King of Heroes says the chosen one is smart, as expected.> 

<The King of Heroes states that their brain does not function as well as they are getting older.> 

<The King of Heroes, for reference, keeps their age a secret, and they state that if you want to know, come to them after acquiring a few EX-Grade skills.>

'I can't get along with them because that’s what they want.' 

I set aside the King of Heroes' words and did something I wouldn't normally do. 

“Chomp, chomp.” 

I made noises while eating. 


While I held the bowl of soup in my hand. 

“Yum, yum.” 

I took more bread than I ate. 

That way, I ensured plenty of leftover bread and soup remained in my bowl. 

After finishing my meal, I stood up and looked at Tessrun, pretending nothing was wrong. 

“Are the tutors not here yet?” 

“…They’re waiting." 

“Let’s go.” 


I glanced at the servants before leaving. 


I followed Tessrun to where the tutors were gathered. 

He asked as I followed without saying anything. 

“Why did you do that?” 

Tessrun, knowing how I usually ate, seemed to have guessed something from my odd behavior. 


I had no intention of answering, so I just followed him. 

Since it was, at most, a few meters from the kitchen, I didn't say anything, just in case. 

Tessrun said, putting his hand on the doorknob. 

“Running away is not the best option here.” 

What he meant was very clear: reveal my talents. 

He probably wanted to say that if one hid their talent in the Duchy of Widia, it would backfire on them. 

"I know." 

I knew that more than anyone else. 

“It’s just in case.” 

Tessrun's eyes twitched. 

“There are things in this world that cannot be done even with talent.” 

I didn't mean to say something so obvious, so mildly. 

But Tessrun probably knew what I meant now. 

I insinuated that it was a complacent idea that I could survive in this duchy just by having talent. 

'Can Tessrun be trusted or not?' 

I also couldn't be sure. 

However, one thing was certain: I still didn't have anyone on my side within this duchy. 


I removed the dumbfounded Tessrun's hand from the door and turned it open instead. 

With rusty hinges squeaking open, the several people inside the room came into view. 



The moment I entered, my heart started beating wildly. 

It didn't take long to realize that my Super Intuition was sending me a signal that I was in danger. 

I didn’t feel it because of the tutors sitting in the front but from a middle-aged man with a normal physique seated at the back. 

A sense of danger emanated from that man, who seemed to know everything around him. 

I quietly moved behind Tessrun without showing off my face. 

<The King of Heroes proclaims their strength and declares that their rank must be quite high with that level of skill.> 

Tessrun stood between the tutors and me and began to introduce them. 

“Young Master, you have to take classes for a total of 7 subjects before entering the Academy.” 

<The King of Heroes declares themself to be crazy, and it's clear they are trying to reshape your 14-year-old mind.> 

<The King of Heroes makes a proud expression, admiring their quick math, proclaiming that a total of 7 hours is needed if each one counts for an hour.> 

“We plan to provide lessons for 2 hours per subject.” 

<The King of Heroes encourages you to run away, proclaiming that humans are crazy and that that kind of time is for mental remodeling to create a 'villain.'>

A total of 14 hours of lessons. 

“History, language, mathematics, strategy, swordsmanship, etiquette, and emperorship.” 


History, language, mathematics, strategy, swordsmanship, and etiquette were part of the education any nobles learned, but the study of Emperorship was different. 

It was a subject only those who were recognized as successors could learn. 


I needed to grasp Duke Eisen’s intentions. 


Duke Eisen looked over the lists of subjects and tutors for his youngest son. 

Evan said as he put the teacup down next to the Duke. 

“Emperorship… isn’t it too early?” 

Duke Eisen put down the papers and raised the teacup. 

“I give everyone a fair chance if they have talent. Isn’t that the philosophy of the Duchy of Widia?” 


“If someone has the talent and the intention to survive in this duchy, they will stand out. Isn't that why you chose this person?” 


The name of the swordsmanship instructor settled in Evan's eyes. 

Chapter 8