Chapter 7

<The King of Heroes is flustered and says it's b-beginner's luck.>

<The King of Heroes is dumbfounded. Seeing that you obtained S-Grade abilities with [Hero's Vision] and A-Grade hero’s abilities with only a normal card, they wonder if your true ability is luck.>

'Luck... That's probably the furthest thing from me.'

If I were lucky, I wouldn't have gone through such hardships.

I thought the only luck I had was bad luck.

But I managed to survive despite going through all sorts of terrible things, so could that also be called luck?

'Anyway, it's A-Grade...’

I was tired of how many surprises I faced today.


[The memory is seeping in.]

Judging from the memory seeping into my head, it was highly likely this ability corresponded to [Status].

My mind went hazy.

#(“All troops.”

When the man on a spotless, pure white horse raised his hand, the troops following him stopped in place.

His bony wrist was exposed when he lifted his hand, but the man's eyes were sharp enough to devour anything.

He looked young, no, he was very young, maybe 2-3 years older than me.

He then stared blankly at the mountain in front of them.



“Yes, sir.”

“Let all the soldiers rest, draw the topography of the three mountains ahead, and take 100 cavalry with you.”

"All right."

It was quite challenging to draw the topography of a mountain.

Even those who could skillfully climb one would struggle, but Aslan accepted it casually.

His eyes were full of nothing but respect for the young man.

“It will be a tough battle.”

He slowly closed his eyes.

Then, the scene shuffled, and time began to whirl by.

'Is it evening already?'

A pitch-black darkness enveloped the night sky.

The man I saw earlier was checking what Aslan had drawn in the tent the soldiers had pitched.

“Mount Komen, Mount Brun, Mount Khaoron. Something is troubling about this mountain range.”


Aslan added small stones atop the picture he had drawn without showing any signs of fatigue, even though he had recently climbed the mountain.

He used a dozen stones in succession to place their position in the painting.

“Is that a colony of monsters?”

"That’s right."

“What type?”

“The majority were Orcs, Lizardmen, and Goblins. The number of colonies was large, but the number of unique monsters wasn’t great.”


The man quietly assessed the stones Aslan placed.

A considerable amount of time passed, but the man continued to look at the mountain range, not realizing his eyes were bloodshot.

Finally, the man slowly opened his mouth.



“How many oil drums do we have right now?”

“Not many. And the ones we have are for cooking.”

"It doesn’t matter as long as it burns and makes smoke.”

“I will check.”

A few minutes after Aslan left the tent, he returned with a middle-aged man.

“D-Did you call? G-General.”

"Right. Do you know how many oil drums we have?”

“W-What kind of oil are you talking about, sir?”

“The kind of oil that catches fire.”

“We only have one oak barrel, sir...”

“…Too few."

“Gasp! I-I’m sorry!”

“Aslan, let him go.”

"All right."

A deep wrinkle formed across the man's forehead.

It was only natural oil barrels that weren’t a standard provision in war.

“Shall I kill him?”

"Of course not. It's a small amount, but we can do something with one.”


“Gather 500 soldiers who are fast on their feet and skilled in traversing mountain terrain.”

"All right."

It was a sudden order, but Aslan again nodded.

“Tell the soldiers to fill their bottles with oil and set fire to the monsters’ territory.”

“Are we to burn them out?”

"No. The wind is heading to the East, so it will rain soon. And we can’t burn them out with only a single barrel.”


“Lure them here after causing a commotion among their ranks.”

The man pointed at the center of the mountain range.


“Using the monsters, we’ll block the enemy’s advance.”


“The number of Orcs, Goblins, and Lizardmen is small, but they are hot-blooded species that easily grow angry when their territory is invaded.”

“B-But the number of enemies is so great the monsters will hesitate to fight them! They are not mindless!”

“It will rain soon.”


“If water is sprinkled on an oil fire, there will be an explosion. That will drive the monsters even crazier. Tell the soldiers to light a fire in the hut where their cubs are, if possible.”


“Since the number of enemies is large, it will only take a few minutes. In the meantime, we’ll climb up the canyon.”

He pointed his finger at the mountain range in the painting.

“We’ll use magic here to create a landslide.”

Aslan didn't say anything this time but just nodded at his master's instructions.)#

I finally returned to my senses.

“…The Battle of the Korant Mountains?”

<The King of Heroes tilts their head, asking if you know about it.>

“I was just there.”

Mount Komen, Mount Brun, and Mount Khaoron.

These three mountains weren’t originally a part of the same range but were separated by huge canyons.

Each was quite large, and in the distant past, it was said that five separate countries used the canyon for trade.

However, due to a war that broke out 1,000 years ago, the canyon that divided these three mountains disappeared, and they became the Korant Mountains, named after the hero Korant.


[You returned from the memory of <Hero of the Thousand Year War>.]

[A small kingdom has joined the continental war that has been going on for a thousand years.]

[Korant, who was called a genius tactician, participated in the war and experienced his first battle.]

[He lured the monsters into the canyon that divided the three mountains and created a landslide by adding magic to the heavy rain.]

[The three mountains eventually joined into one range due to that landslide, and Korant, called the best tactician, took his first step to become a hero.]

[Korant has saved 12,551,285 people destined for death.]


[The skill 「Strategy Genius」 has been acquired.]

The higher the grade, the longer the memory.

'If it's Korant, isn't he the founding hero of the Koharit Empire, which is said to rival the Ryzen Empire?'

The Thousand Year War was the scholarly name given to a series of ongoing wars between the numerous kingdoms and peoples of their planet.

Countless small countries were founded and destroyed practically overnight.

Scholars predicted that if they were all to be counted, they would easily exceed 1,000.

There was no clear, strong contender, and it was said that when a country began to gather strength, its neighbors united to destroy it.

It was Prince Korant who led the small country of Koharit into an Empire during that tumultuous time.

‘Is it the Koharit Empire? Would it have been different if I had been born in the Koharit Empire instead of the Ryzen Empire?'

Several times, I thought about whether I was abandoned because of the ostentatious cause of this country that gave possibilities to bastards.

For the nobility, the possibility of a bastard was something to remain vigilant of.

'It's a useless thought.'

Regardless, he was a hero I already knew about.

'Something feels strange.'

The abilities I got thus far were all from heroes from unknown planets.

Given that, it was strange to hear this A-Grade ability was from a hero from my home planet, even if they were from a rival empire.

“Status window.”


『[Status Window]

Name: Locke Ron Widia

Age: 14

Status: 「Mana Rejecting Body」, 「G: Spirit of the March」, 「S: Super Intuition」, 「C: Mathematics Prodigy」, 「A: Strategy Genius」

Disposition: 「F: Courage of a Child」, 「D: Charisma of the Kitchen」, 「G: Fool’s Sigh」, 「□□」, 「□□」

Martial Arts: 「B: Dignity of the Golden Power」, 「G: Taekwondo Kick」, 「D: Wind Step」, 「□□」, 「□□」

Skills: [Hero Draw] [Saving Abilities] [Hero’s Fundamentals] Number of Cards: 0』

“If I get four more, it will be full.”

<The King of Heroes says you’re the first hero to gain so many abilities in one day.>

<The King of Heroes says it usually takes a month to gather this level of ability and about a year to get your first A or S-Grade ability.>

'That's surprising.'

The last A-Grade ability I got was from pure luck, though.

“I should get some sleep.”

<The King of Heroes sighs and asks if you’re going to sleep again.>

<The King of Heroes says that at your age, you should have fun even if your arm is broken, your head is injured, and your leg is cut off.>

“…No one would have fun at that point.”

<The King of Heroes says some of the heroes had fun like that.>

“They must be ignorant. Let's go to sleep for now.”

<The King of Heroes wonders if you’re not going to eat.>

"I don’t know… Tessrun always starves me when I cause trouble. There probably won't be any dinner tonight.”

It took time to watch the hero's memories. Thus the evening passed quickly.

I didn’t hear Tessrun calling me for dinner, so I probably wouldn't eat tonight.

"I'm not that hungry anyway."

<The King of Heroes clears their throat and says if you need a lullaby, they tell you to let them know.> 

"It's okay." 

<The King of Heroes cracks a raw egg, slurps it down, and asks if you really don't need food.> 

"Yes. I’m already sleepy enough.” 

<The King of Heroes asks if you really, really, really, really, reaaaallyyyy don’t need it with their bright eyes.> 

“…Come to think of it, my shoulders are sore. Please.” 

<The King of Heroes warms up their throat and tries to think of what song to sing to help the chosen one sleep soundly.> 

<The King of Heroes sings softly of the calm afternoon sunlight.>


[You fell asleep.]


In the blink of an eye, I was lost in my bed.


Unlike Locke, who fell asleep at 6:00 PM, Tessrun couldn't rest even though it was past when he needed to work.

He had to sort out the incident with Hals, whose head was broken open, but this was because of a sudden call from the head butler.

“Did you call?”

Butler Evan quietly showed Tessrun a document.

"This is?"

“These are the private tutors who will teach the Young Master starting tomorrow. Don't be rude.”

"All right."

Since Tessrun had expected it, he accepted the papers without much surprise.

In the documents, there were basic tutors listed for topics such as ‘History,’ ‘Language,’ and ‘Mathematics,’ in addition to tutors who needed to check the Young Master’s talents in a variety of subjects, such as ‘Emperorship,’ ‘Martial Arts,’ and ‘Swordsmanship.’

Tessrun's eyes widened when he saw the instructor in charge of swordsmanship and emperorship.

“I-Is this person really coming?”

“Yes. Make the preparations without mistakes."

“…All right."

Tessrun quietly accepted the papers and disappeared.

Chapter 7