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Chapter 236

Viscount Hans governed one of the smallest fiefdoms in the Empire, which was neither particularly noticeable nor renowned among the nobility.


However, at some point, Viscount Hans, who had been diligently attending social networking events, vanished.


The nobles were accustomed to such occurrences. Assassinations were common among their ranks, and Viscount Hans wasn't a powerful figure.


While the news of his estate's destruction without a single survivor raised questions among the nobles, it wasn't taken very seriously.


They would have been alarmed if it had happened to a prominent noble, but the loss of one powerless viscount wasn't considered a significant concern.


Their reaction was only possible because they were unaware that this was just the beginning.


Things might have been different if they had attempted to investigate even a little.


And so, one territory disappeared, while another noble's territory expanded.




I returned home.


Unlike my cautious d...

Chapter 236