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Chapter 197

How often in a lifetime would one have the opportunity to see a spirit?

Encounters with spirits were extremely rare.

It was difficult enough to see one in just a human lifetime, and making a contract with a spirit could also be challenging.

Without affinity, seeing one spirit was nearly impossible.

Even if humans received preferential treatment from the spirits, they often died without realizing they possessed affinity and meeting one was said to bring a lifetime of luck.

That was how rare spirits were.

Many people brought Elves with them when meeting a spirit, but it was unfortunate that Elves were often too discriminatory to agree to help.

This was true even in the regions where Elves coexisted with humans.

They rarely revealed themselves and never let outsiders into their territory, evening going so far as to kill to protect themselves.

After several clashes, Easton had stopped venturing into the forest entirely, believing it best to avoid them.

Until Raymond arrived, they had not had any contact with the Elves over the past few years and thus also had no opportunity to see the spirits.

Then one day, without warning, a win...

Chapter 197