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Chapter 96 - Discreet Trading (3)

The Monster Humans were aggressive. Kang Min hid in a safe location  and reported to Kang Hyuk the current situation. 

Kang Hyuk told Yojimbo about the Monster Human Troops. 

“The bastard brought the Monster Human Troops?” asked Yojimbo. 

“Monster Humans created by Baba Yaga’s got to be some crazily strong piece of shits,” commented Frankenstroheim. 

“What are they?” asked Kang Hyuk. 

“Russia has done a lot of experiments to create strong Monster Humans for a while. They took cells from dead hunters to analyze their DNA and tried to create stronger abilities. Other European nations tried too, but most failed and stopped. It took too much money and had bad side effects.” Frankenstroheim explained in detail about the abilities of the Monster Humans he had come across. 

“So they’re manmade humans,” said Kang Hyuk. 

“Manmade humans with hunters’ abilities,” said Frankenstroheim. 

Kang Hyuk stood in front of the warp gate. “I’ll take care of this myself. Yojimbo, you report to me as soon as information comes in about eastern Europe’s situation.” 

Kang Hyuk disappeared into the warp...

Chapter 96