Chapter 7 - An Unwanted Return (7) 

Blades made of bone wavered in the hunters’ view. 

“Weapon!” shouted the team leader. Simultaneously, he could hear something being sliced. He instinctively turned towards the sound and met eyes with the hunter that had been standing besides him. 

“Team...” He could not continue; his lips were coming apart. With a splash of blood, his body divided in half, and his organs and excretions spilled onto the ground. The team leader did not have the time to watch the scene to the end. He turned his gaze to the side as he bowed toward Kang Hyuk. He could see skeleton soldier armor. A necromancer? 

He kicked off the floor and jumped to the side, taking out the handgun from his side. 

Bang! Bang! 

He had no energy to spare on the other hunters being attacked by the skeleton soldiers. If he did not turn the situation around, it looked as if his team was going to all be killed by this necromancer’s skeleton soldiers. 

The bullet from the team leader’s handgun pierced a charging skeleton soldier’s empty eye socket. Had it been a human, its eyeball would have burst, but it was already dead. 

Kang Hyuk’s skeleton soldier took off from the ground and quickly closed the distance. The team leader backed off, taking out another handgun. Light flowed in between his fingers. 

Kang Hyuk catched the light in the team leader’s hand in his view. Is he imbuing the bullets with magic? 

Bang! The team leader’s gun’s shooting was a lot louder than before. A bullet struck into a skeleton soldier’s armor. With sharp metallic clang’s, the skeleton soldier’s charge was stopped. Each time the skeleton soldier tried to move back, the team leader moved positions. 

“Dammit! How dare he attack so suddenly!” The team leader ran deeper into the incineration plant. From afar, he could see a red switch on the wall. It was a button to press in case of emergency. But he could hear the sounds of frightening footsteps. 

What?! He glanced behind him to see the skeleton soldier right there. He rolled to the floor just in time to avoid being a target of the striking bone blade of the skeleton soldier. He shot his handgun while rolling to the floor. Bang! Bang! 

“Dammit, it’s so difficult without magic bullets,” he said. He checked where the emergency button was again. He had no time to run to it: the skeleton soldier’s movements were on a different level from any other undead demonic beast he had faced. He pointed his gun towards the emergency button. 

Bang! The bullet destroyed the emergency button and struck through it. Riiing!! It was now broken, but he did not care as his life depended on the button at the moment. He tried to find the skeleton soldier with his gun’s muzzle. 

“What? Where did i-” Stab! 

The skeleton soldier had not failed to miss the timing of the team leader shooting the emergency button. The skeleton soldier had abandoned the spot where the team leader would inevitably see him and went for his blind spot. And as the team leader’s gun swung around looking for it, it stabbed its bone blade into him. 

“Aaaaagh!!” screamed the team leader. The bone blade dug into his shoulder muscle, and he dropped his gun. With his left hand, he shot at the skeleton soldier. Bang! Bang! Bang! The bullets struck into the soldier’s armor and held it back. Having taken out the bone blade, the skeleton soldier charged for the team leader once again. 

“Fuck!”  shouted the team leader. Light bled from his left hand. The light rode its way down his hand and went down the gun and collected onto the muzzle. The skeleton soldier’s blade sliced through air. 


The bullet shot into the skeleton solder’s armor, but this time, the armor split. It was pushed back from the force as its posture broke. The team leader rolled to get up. 

“Team leader! What’s happeni-” 

“You!! Get your weapons and get rid of them all!” shouted the team leader. He ran like crazy. He had no feeling in his right shoulder. His blood wetted his ear and chin, but he also could not feel it. He met the gaze of Kang Hyuk. He was watching him as if he were a monkey in a zoo. 

“You fucking bastard! You’re dead!” shouted the team leader. He was taken by surprise. He had underestimated Kang Hyuk just for him to turn out to be a necromancer. Perhaps it was a side effect of having witnessed too many cornered hunters while running the incineration plant. He recalled the times when he would mock the cornered hunters from a superior position. Dammit! I’ve gotten dull without my knowledge. 

He tried without success to recall the last time he had been in a fight. He could only recall the times he had found other guild’s spies and traitors to torture and harass them. The tortures he had carried out had made him forget the things he had to do in a life or death fight. His instinct warned him that Kang Hyuk was different from all the hunters he had tortured. 

He could see his hunters slowly get up one by one. They were those who were surrounding Kang Hyuk and failed to block the skeleton soldiers’ attacks. Their facial structures were slowly twisting and changing. Their skins ripped and fell to pieces to the ground, and the clothes they had on turned into dark armor. 

Dammit. I never would’ve expected him to be a necromancer. The team leader kept running, trying to find a safe spot. When he had just returned to Earth, he was a sharpshooter who had survived in a different dimension’s world. He was adept with both blunt and sharp weapons other than guns, and he was confident he would win against anyone in battle. 

All returners held the same attitude. There was not a single returner who thought they would lose prior to battle. They collectively believed that only normal people without any abilities would lose against ability users. 

The team leader had thought the same, but he started feeling emotions he had forgotten existed. 

“Huff... Huff...” 

Kang Hyuk did not lose sight of the team leader. The skeleton soldier chasing him cut through the air. 

“Team leader!” 

Crash!! A sharp ray of light shot from somehwere. It hit the skeleton soldier’s armor and exploded midair. Hunters from a different locations had arrived at the plant due to the activation of the emergency button. 

“Hurry and kill them!” shouted the team leader. 

“Team leader, here’s a potion!” 

The team leader received the potion and drank it. 


The stab wound on his shoulder from the skeleton soldier vanished. 

“It’s Kang Min’s brother! Don’t let your guard down and kill him!” ordered the team leader. 

“Huh? Team leader. That’s the newbie under Kyuho, right? What do we do with him?” 

“Kill him too!” 

Oh Taeho, standing beside Kang Hyuk, was visibly frightened having heard the team leader. 

“There’s no need to be scared,” said Kang Hyuk, watching the team leader. 

Oh Taeho felt the fear that had shocked his heart dissipate at Kang Hyuk’s voice. 

“You have to watch out for the hunters’ weapons!” warned Oh Taeho. “It uses magic bullets, so with a few shots, it’d destroy even an undead soldier. Especially if it’s a weapon imbued with divine power. Then it’ll kill them in one shot!” 

Kang Hyuk checked the weapons of the hunters that had arrived after the emergency button’s ring. They were dressed similarly with special forces, wearing bulletproof helmets and goggles. They were all metahumans that were trained by the team leader. They held magic rifles resembling M-16’s and wore thick protective gear akin to bulletproof vests. 

Magic bullets are specially made bullets using mana as an ingredient. At the team leader’s order, the hunters opened fire at the skeleton soldiers. 

Bang, bang bang! 

The skeleton soldiers dispersed at an incredible speed. They took cover behind different objects in the plant and dodged the magic bullets. 

The team leader’s eyes widened. What is that movement? How can lowly undead demonic beasts calculate the range of the bullets? 

Kang Hyuk raised the bodies of the hunters that had been ambushed by the skeleton soldiers. Unlike the skeleton soldiers, these hunters more closely resembled a zombie, and their eyes were colored a transparent gray. They were now undead zombies that followed Kang Hyuk’s orders. 

The hunters that had survived along with the team leader shouted, “That bastard is a necromancer!” 

“I already know! Hurry and get my weapon from the weapons storage! And get all of yours too!” shouted back the team leader. 

The hunters ran toward the weapons storage. 

“Charge,” ordered Kang Hyuk to the zombified hunters while keeping his eyes on the team leader. The zombies attacked the hunters that were shooting at the skeleton soldiers. 


As they turned their guns towards the zombies, stab! 

“Agh!” A hunter had been stabbed by a skeleton soldier. 

Bang, bang, bang! Nearby hunters placed their crossfire on the skeleton soldier, and with a loud noise, the skeleton soldier’s armor was riddled with holes and broken. 

But a zombie attacked one of the hunters. 

Boom!! A shining light blinded the nearby hunters. With a violent explosion came a shockwave. The team leader, who had been watching from the second floor railing, flew back. Flames exploded, and the hunters’ screams filled the place. 

“Get rid of them,” said Kang Hyuk, and the skeleton soldiers attacked the hunters surrounded by fire. 

“Team leader! Team leader!” The hunters who had been shooting with their magic rifles searched for the team leader. Moans could be heard coming from the destroyed workroom on the second floor. 

“Agh... Hurry and kill them... It’ll only be more dangerous the longer we take!” said the team leader. 

“Bring a potion! Give it to the team leader!” 

A hunter threw over a potion. Another caught it and handed it to the team leader. Screams from the hunters fighting below echoed up to the second floor. 

“They’re not normal undead monsters, team leader.” 

“They’re skeleton soldiers with plenty of battle experience,” answered the team leader. “But we don’t have such strong and fast skeletons on Earth. Just what are they?” 

Crash! Stepping on the second floor railings, the skeleton soldiers leaped up. With more crashing noise, they punched in the walls with their skeleton fists and pushed with their armored shoulders. 

The wall hiding the team leader crashed down, and the skeleton soldiers ran in. They swung their bone blades and bisected the magic rifles. With a sickening sound, the head of the hunter whose gun was sliced fell to the floor. A soldier kicked the headless hunter. 

The team leader dodged to the side and quickly escaped the room and jumped to the first floor. He could feel the gaze of the skeleton soldiers on him and Kang Hyuk relaxedly watching from amongst them. The team leader’s chin muscle twitched. It’ll be over if I kill just him. Necromanceers are weak in physical fights. 

Bang! Bang! 

“Team leader! Over here!” The hunters who had left for the weapons storage were back. One threw a long gun towards the team leader. 

The team leader could see the gun approaching him, slicing through the air like a boomerang. He caught it and loaded the gun. 

Meanwhile, a skeleton soldier swung at him with a bone blade. The team leader blocked using his gun and kicked the soldier. As the skeleton soldier was pushed back, he aimed. 

Bang! He sent the soldier flying with just one shot. 

“Hahaha! Just come at me!” laughed the team leader. 

Kang Hyuk grinned, watching the team leader gain confidence. 

The hunter that had thrown the gun to the team leader aimed his bow, and with a loud noise, hit a skeleton soldier. The soldier, now with an arrow in its back, looked behind. 

“Die.” The hunter smiled. Boom! The skeleton soldier with the arrow exploded. 

The strong flames took up Kang Hyuk’s sight and the incineration plant. He spoke towards the skeleton soldiers, “Now.” 

The skeleton soldiers charged into the roaring flames with unbelievable speed and calculated attack strength. The hunter wielding an arrow failed to take notice of the skeleton soldiers charging through the flames. 

The hunter that had been stabbed by the skeleton soldiers’ blade spat out blood. 

Watching the hunter wielding an arrow die, Kang Hyuk said, “Awaken.” 

A skeleton soldier took out the blade, and the dead hunter rose. His skin was ripped out, and with splashes of blood, he changed into a skeleton soldier. He had his arrow as a weapon. 

Having witnessed all this, Oh Taeho and the team leader could not help but be surprised. 

A skeleton archer? He can summon even ranged soldiers. He’s not a normal necromancer. The team leader shouted, “There’s a skeleton archer! Get rid of it!” 

Kang Hyuk looked at the team leader, and at the same time, the skeleton archer shot an arrow towards him. With a piercing noise, the arrow flew and dug in between the rib bones of the team leader, who had been fighting a skeleton soldier. 


A skeleton soldier hit the team leader. He fell to the first floor, and other skeleton soldiers immediately surrounded him. The twenty-five hunters had all become Kang Hyuk’s subordinates excluding just the team leader. 


Chapter 7