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Chapter 74 - Hidden (3)

“Does that mean then even Baba Yaga is involved? If Sergey really had an assassination mission, he wouldn’t have left Frankenstroheim alive,” said Dmitri. 

“Hey, you seem to be misunderstanding, but I wasn’t just poisoned,” interrupted Frankenstroheim. “I had to fight. The guys that were with me died instantly from the poison. I only survived because I’m me. I don’t know what kind of poison your brother used, but he didn’t let me live, I survived. Keep that in mind.” 

“Either way, Sergey’s never failed a mission before.” 

“Well, he failed against me at least.” 

Dmitri glared at Frankenstroheim in irritation. 

Frankenstroheim smiled and sipped on the tea Neruva poured him. “Then I guess the next step is to find out what the Swedish king is doing right now and where.” 

“We don’t need to,” said Yojimbo, fiddling with the communications device on his wrist. “This just in from my other brokers. The Swedish king’s dead.” 

Silence took over the room. 

“Died? How?” 

“Poison. He ate food that was poisoned, and they’re trying to figure out what the type of poison it was.” 

Chapter 74