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Chapter 56 - Hide and Seek (1) 

Neruva looked at Jandelo. Jandelo looked shocked. 

“Wh-What? Delorca, what did you just say?”

“You heard me. It’s already used.” 

“Where? How?” 

“Don’t make me repeat myself. There was an unknown mana device on the magic circle where the Ice Horse’s Breath came from. There was a crack in there where the dagger fit, so we put it in there.” 

“Th-That’s... No way... Why did you do such a thing without talking to me first?! Get out of the way! I have to see for myself.” 

“Jandelo, there’s nothing that can be done even if you see it. It’s not like either of us know much about it.” 

“Didn’t I just say that the great mage here knows well about it?!” Jandelo pointed to Neruva. 

Delorca glanced at Neruva. “Well, I’m not sure about that,  but we can check if you want.” 

They followed Delorca to a basement. In the center was a great magic circle. Above the magic circle, a strangely-shaped blue crystal was emitting a beautiful light. Rune text was enscribed all over the crystal, and when the light from the rune characters shined brighter, a cold chill blew from them. The cold energy traced alon...

Chapter 56