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Chapter 42 - Plans (1) 

Yojimbo swallowed and looked towards Kang Hyuk. What came out of Kang Hyuk’s mouth peaked Yamazaki’s interest. 

“How does Murasawa know about Azathoth?” 

“That’s something he talked about when he was still sane,” answered Yojimbo. “He said it’s some legend he heard about from the demons he communicated with through the Hell Gate. He was so into it when he was talking about it, so I just thought he was talking bullshit. It didn’t sound like something that would make me rich.” 

“If Murasawa communicated with the demons, then what did they usually do?” 

“It’s pretty obvious what he was doing since he was the head of a hunter group. He wanted power from the Demon Realm or some magic or artifact in order to close the power gap with your brother Kang Min. Similar with the U.S.A. too.” 

Once Yojimbo was done talking, Yamazaki chimed in. “There are many clans and guilds in the U.S., but there is one shadow group that has a very big influence.” 

Kang Hyuk looked to Yojimbo. 

“W-well, that group is...” 

Looking at Yojimbo struggling to answer, Yamazaki spoke. “Answer. It’ll save your life if he knows too.” 

Chapter 42