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Chapter 38 - Sword of Sun (1)

The Black Wave Society members stared at Murasawa’s corpse. Yamazaki looked at them. 

“What are you doing? Get rid of the enemies,” ordered Yamazaki. 

At his order, the Black Wave Society members hesitated to act. “Leader Yamazaki, how do we get rid of something like that?” 

One of the members were pointing towards the Mt. Fuji golem. A whole mountain had taken the form of a living creature. The crater had moved downward to take on the appearance of a mouth, and spilled out boiling magma. It spat out balls of lava like cannon balls around the temple. The remaining temple’s buildings vanished under the lava. Flames soared up from various places. 

Looking at the slow movements of the Mt. Fuji golem, Yamazaki replied. “I’ll take care of that, so you guys take care of the rest.” 

The sheath at his hip spat out his sword. When he swung the sword imbued with sunlight, a yellow sword energy flew through the air. The yellow energy drew a line where Yamazaki swung his sword when he struck it down into the Mt. Fuji golem with a terrible noise. There were yellow lines all over the golem. Yamazaki held the sword upside down and struck it down into the earth. He chanted a magic spe...

Chapter 38