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Chapter 33 - Grey Battlefront (2)

Neruva looked confused by Kang Hyuk’s answer.

“Dead? How? Who killed him?”

Kang Hyuk filled Neruva in on what had happened recently. After hearing the story, Neruva let out a low groan.

“Hmm, I see. You opened an entrance that Earth’s humans call Hell Gate, and Xonompethus came out through it? Then it’s certain that the Discreet Violator has chosen Earth as a target.”

“Do you know where he is?” asked Kang Hyuk.

“This is just the first floor,” answered Neruva. “He roams around anywhere from the second to the sixth floor, so I can’t say for sure where he is.”

“Good. I’ll find him eventually if I go around destroying every floor.”

“It’s too dangerous to go through the same plan as last time,” said Neruva. “Not all the guys from last time have died.”

“I know that. I also know that even if I kill everyone on the floors, they will endlessly revive unless I kill the Tower Master of Death.”

“I shouldn’t have asked to borrow the Holy Scripture of the Deceased from you.”

Hearing Neruva blame himself, Kang Hyuk spoke.

“There’s no need to blame yourself. You’re the one that helped my brother and I escape. So I will help you this time.”

Chapter 33