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Chapter 23 - An Unwanted Return (23)

Kang Min’s secret library had an atmosphere of a dungeon’s. When passing through the dark hallways, a cold chill swept the back of the neck, and an unpleasant smell of mold stabbed the nose. They entered a bright place through the hallway. From then on, a hot and moist atmosphere welcomes Kang Hyuk and Ahn Sohyun. 

“Did he remodel a dungeon?” he asked. 

“That’s what I heard. This was an unidentified dungeon when Min first found it,” Ahn Sohyun explained. 

The way to the library was a carbon copy of a generic dungeon. The dungeon’s layout was unique. Despite walking the same path, the atmosphere kept switching between a hot and moist one and a cold chilling one. Finally, Ahn Sohyun and Kang Hyuk made it out of the pathway and met a fork. 

“This way,” said Kang Hyuk without any hesitation and entered the path. 

As they walked on, Kang Min’s library finally appeared. The door leading into the library was covered in leather. Kang Hyuk touched the leather. It’s dragon scales. 

The entrance to the library was a door made of dragon scale leather. The handle was made of the dragon’s horn. It was all Kang Min’s work. Kang Hyuk could tell that Kang...

Chapter 23