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Chapter 21 - An Unwanted Return (21) 

The thing that Grip of the Deceased put in front of Kang Hyuk was a totem that resembled a dice. Kang Hyuk recalled the things that Kang Min had gotten together to take with in preparation for his return to Earth from Hela. 

What are you taking that for? 

Just in case. You’ll need it if you ever come to Earth. 

I won’t. You live however you want when you go back. 

Kang Min knew that his older brother would know if he were to die. He nor his brother knew what he would do once he was back on Earth, but he wanted to prepare for the worst case scenario just in case. 

Hyung, if I die of old age on Earth, I’ll leave everything I wanted to tell you in this. 

Kang Min grinned as he showed Kang Hyuk the totem. It was called ‘Margot’ in Hela, and it was a naturally occurring totem that had the same purpose as mages’ artifacts. The text written on the totem was the language used in Hela. 

If he wrote it in Gargoan language, it means the message is for me... thought Kang Hyuk. Kang Min and he had talked a lot with each other before Kang Min’s return. Of course, it was Kang Min that always star...

Chapter 21