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Chapter 192 - Monster Massacre (2)

Yojimbo activated a mana barrier using an artifact. With a boom, a semi-transparent barrier appeared around Kang Hyuk and Yojimbo. 

Boom! Boom! Giant monsters were crowding toward the two when they heard a familiar voice coming from behind the monsters. 

“There they are!” It was Frankenstroheim who had spotted Kang Hyuk and Yojimbo. 

“Attack them!” 

The dwarf warriors took out their weapons and began fighting the monsters. They loaded their bazookas and filled them with mana and fired into the crowd. 


“Kyaagh!” A bazooka had gone off right at the feet of the monster that was about to step on the barrier Yojimbo had created. The monster looked at its nonexistent feet and roared. 

The dwarves continued to attack the monster with rockets. Boom! Boom! More of the monster’s were ripped out in chunks from the attacks. A part of the monster wriggled on the ground. The dwarves’ rocket attacks split the crowd of monsters. 

“Kuwaaagh!” The monsters roared and attacked the dwarves in the back of the formation. 

Frankenstroheim stepped on the leg of a monster and jumped into the air. He landed on the back of the monster and climbed...

Chapter 192