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Chapter 189 - Mana Jungle (3)

The Iron Spider spilled a load of byproducts as its body split into two pieces. 

“Huhu, that’s a reward I wasn’t expecting,” said Frankenstroheim. He found something within the intestines of the Iron Spider. 

“What’s that?” asked Yamazaki. 

“It’s a mana jewel. It’s a mineral only made in the Iron Spider’s body. If you use this, you can create extremely sturdy armor, gauntlet, boots, anything. Mage, can you make armor?” 

The dwarf mages checked the mana jewel. “With this much, we can make armor and a sword too.” 

“Alright. Then I’ll give them to you whenever we come across Iron Spiders, so keep making them. We’re getting out of here as soon as we find a spot we can set up a warp gate.” 

Frankenstroheim took the lead.

Meanwhile, Kang Hyuk felt that his mana was being seeped away by the jungle and turned to Yojimbo. “It’s not just the vines that are absorbing the mana. The ground itself is sucking out all the mana from anyone who comes in.” 

“Tch. If it’s this fast in absorbing mana, Frankenstroheim and Yamazaki wouldn’t have lasted long.” 

“Tell the dwarf mages to cast a magic seal that will prevent mana dissipation.” 

The dwarf mages caste a magic ba...

Chapter 189