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Chapter 186 - Resource Distribution (1)

Kang Hyuk prepared a meeting with Maudinho who had come seeking him. The Latin American continent had already turned into a battlefield because of the war between Peru and Ecuador. Chile and Paraguay formed a temporary alliance with each other, but that was only to steal Argentina’s mana resources as fast as they could. Plus, they were aiming to also steal Brazil’s mana food storage in the southern region of the nation. 

Maudinho was informed of this. “Alright. They’re already stepping on my territory. I might as well discuss things with you. What do you want from me? You must have some goal in mind since you offered to help,” said Maudinho. 

Kang Hyuk spread open a map of the South American continent and pointed to a marked point on the map. “I’m aware that this is the location of the mana dungeon the Brazilian informants found. Is that true?” 

“It’s true. How did you get this information?” asked Maudinho. 

“I also have informants. Anyway, the nations that are most actively invading Brazil currently are Columbia, Venezuela, Bolivia and Dominican Republic.” 

“They were all part of the cartel. I’m not surprised.” 

“There were Brazilian hunters on standby, so I didn’t expect them to be so bold, but I w...

Chapter 186