Chapter 14 - An Unwanted Return (14) 

The cars parked around the apartment complex where Kang Hyuk was. Hunters began to quickly get off the cars. The hunters that had already infiltrated the apartment complex had alerted the residents beforehand and called for reinforcement. 

All the residents of the complex were also ability users. Some of them, out of laziness, had said to contact them after the situation was taken care of and just left their numbers, and others had come out to support the hunters. Kang Hyuk had arrived after the apartment complex was already emptied, and the hunters stationed in the complex were getting reports on the outside situation. 

“Gargoa Guild’s fourth attack squad’s here first. We’re going in if there are no movements inside.” 

The hunters touched their semi-transparent goggles. They could see Kang Min’s penthouse in the distance and part of Kang Hyuk. 

“He’s in Kang Min’s house. Get everyone in there and kill him. He won’t have anywhere to run.” 

“We’ll be on the move soon, so you guys keep watch.” 

While the hunters continued to watch Kang Hyuk’s movements, attack squads were gathering outside the apartment complex. 

“Is the captain not here yet?” 

“Hey, he’s over there.” 

Two men walked out of a high-class foreign car. One was the attack squad’s captain’s driver, and the other was a hunter that leads the fourth attack squad. 

“I’m the captain of Gargoa Guild’s fourth attack squad, Cha Hyukkyu. Are the ones here the apartment’s residents?” 

“I work in the apartment management office. Most of the residents here don’t want their places getting wrecked. If too many people attack, big damage will be inevitable, so they would prefer that you use only the least amount of force necessary. Could you do that?” 

Cha Hyukkyu turned his sharp gaze to the top of the high-rise apartment building. “Hm, I can’t guarantee that. You probably saw on TV, but the opponent’s a pretty skilled returner, so I can’t say what the damages are gonna be like.” 

“Gargoa Guild’s the nation’s best guild, so I trust your skills. If the damages are substantial, it’ll be hard for me to explain to the residents.” 

“Alright, I’ll try my best. Are the residents gonna participate in the battle?” 

“Ah, I just have to manage the situation, so I won’t participate but just watch. The ones over there want to participate, though.” 

“Then the guild won’t be responsible for the damages they cause.” 

“Ah, they said they’ll take care of it on their own. Anyway, good luck.” 

Cha Hyukkyu spat on the ground when the man left. “Are these dumbasses really worrying about their property values? They can just buy a new one.” 

The raid members standing by him responded. “But these apartments are the newest around here and the most expensive too. To buy an apartment here with a hunter’s salary, it’ll be...” 

“Whatever. Report on the inside situation,” cut off Cha Hyukkyu. 

“Kang Hyuk is currently in the penthouse that Kang Min lived in,” replied a member. 

Cha Hyukkyu looked to the tall apartment building. “Hm, then the situation’s simple. We don’t need to corner him anywhere. We just have to get in there and not let him escape. He won’t be escape or hide anywhere in a penthouse, so it’s a win for us.” 

“If he jumps off, it’ll be nice and convenient for us. We’d just have to clean up after his body.” 

“Bastards, quit the blabber and have the guys surround the building he’s in.” 

“They’re already on it.” 

“Alright, then let’s go,” replied Cha Hyukkyu. 

“Captain!” called other hunters. 


“The third and fifth attack squads haven’t arrived yet. Sixth attack squad will be here in five minutes, and the rest said they’ll take ten.” 

“Idiots, how hard is it to get here that it’ll take that long? That’s why they’re always getting shit from Vice Master,” replied Cha Hyukkyu. 

“They’re late because they were stopping by the weapons storage for equipment,” explained a hunter. “And there are some that they couldn’t reach yet.”

“Fourth attack squad came running the fastest as soon as the emergency alert was sent. What’s up with the rest?” 

“They don’t experience your charisma.” 

Cha Hyukkyu snorted at the hunters’ reply. “Bastard. That comment was pretty good.” 

“Captain, since Vice Master’s gonna be here too, isn’t it better to wait? We’ll wait for all the attack squads to get together and hit Kang Hyuk before he can even react!” 

Cha Hyukkyu replied, not taking his eyes off the apartment building. “They’ll come after us once we’re already in there. What’s the point in waiting? Just get started.” 

“Captain, what if that gets Vice Master mad?” 

Cha Hyukkyu smiled coldly. “He’ll just be here faster if he’s pissed. Let’s go in.” 

The number of hunters from the fourth attack squad totaled 500. Under Cha Hyukkyu’s command, they entered the apartment complex. 

“It’s that one. Where Kang Min’s penthouse is.” 

“Hey, tell the mages to create a boundary here, so he can’t do anything,” ordered Cha Kyukkyu in response. 

Men wearing long coats walked out from the back of the group. They were the fourth attack squad’s ability users who had awakened as mages. They separated to precisely locate the penthouse that Kang Hyuk was in at the moment. A semi-transparent barrier shot from their palms and spread up into the air. The barriers of multiple mages connected midair to create a giant dome. 

Kang Hyuk was watching as the barrier was being created. The barrier surrounded the entire apartment building. The barrier the mages had created was a kind where magic flowed throughout, meaning that if someone was to be caught in the barrier, the mages would be able to detect it. 

Cha Hyukkyu looked up at the apartment building. “Tell the first and second team to go in first.” 

The fourth attack squad was comprised of five groups with a hundred guild members in each group. 

“Hey, second and third also get ready,” Cha Hyukkyu licked his lips. 

The hunters of the first and second team that had entered the apartment lobby divided into two teams to go up the stairs on both sides. 

“Don’t rush. Keep your distance from each other.” 

“Yes, sir!”

While the hunters ran up the stairway, the floors of each apartment in the building was being swallowed up in darkness. The shadow rose up from the floors to summon skeleton soldiers. From the second floor above the lobby and all the way up to the penthouse, Kang Hyuk was discreetly summoning skeleton soldiers on every floor. 

Dullahan Lamur spoke up besides him. “My Lord, I can feel human life everywhere. Why don’t we get started?” 

“Not yet. Start once they reach the hallway of this floor,” replied Kang Hyuk. 

“I shall follow your order, My Lord,” Lamur bared his rotten front teeth while bowing to Kang Hyuk.

The hunters hurriedly made their way up the stairs. The hunters leading the group had magic guns ready to aim, and the ones in the back had a sword strapped to their back and held a crossbow. They were the attack squad’s shooters and archers. They had made it to the penthouse in no time. 

“The hallway here is bigger than the ones below. The ones with guns lead the way, and archers stay back.” 

“Yes, sir.” 

The leader of the first team walked into the hallway with a shotgun full of magic bullets. At the same time, hunters holding magic automatic rifles spread out on both sides of the leader in order to protect him. The penthouse that Kang Hyuk was in took up the entire floor. Hunters took up all the space of the hallway big enough to be a hotel hallway. 

“Hey, are you guys in team 2 all positioned on each floor?” whispered the team leader, standing in front of the door. 

With a static noise, a reply came. “They’re all positioned on each floors, stairs, and in front of the elevators too. You can start.” 

“Alright, I’m going.” The team 1 leader opened a small pouch on his waistband. It was a magic bomb that resembled a piece of clay. He ripped off a piece to stick it on to the door, when a sudden noise stopped him. His eyes widened. He looked down. A bone blade had stabbed through the front door and was sticking out underneath the magic bomb. The bone blade was stuck in the team 1leader’s chest. It proceeded to slowly pull out. 

A hunter in the back asked, “Leader?” 

The bone blade went back through the door and vanished, and team 1 leader fell backwards without a word. 

“Leader’s down! Everyone attack!” 

“Wait! The magic bomb’s not yet-” 

With a booming noise, the front door exploded. The hunters backed away while the ones in the back readied their crossbows. Thick smoke and flames swept through the hallway, and through the smoke, giant skeleton soldiers walked out. 


The guns shot round after round, but the skeleton soldiers were faster. They charged towards the hunters. Hunters watching from afar hurriedly messaged through their walkie-talkies. 

“Skeletons! It’s the Undead!” 

The hunters on standby on the other floors exchanged glances. 

“Did you hear that?” 

“Must be a necromancer then.” 

“Nice, this is gonna be a fun hunt.” 

“Start the skeleton hunt!” 

The hunters waiting on the lower floors began to take out their weapons as terrible screams began emitting from their walkie-talkies. 

“Aaaagh!! Agh!!” 

The screams were cut short. 

“Everyone watch the stairs and elevators. Fire as soon as the Undead appear. And charge team, be prepared,” ordered the team 2 leader. 

“Yes, sir.” 

Big and muscular hunters were holding great axes, hammers, and greatswords. Kang Hyuk walked through the hallway. Wherever he passed, the hunters’ dead bodies slowly rose up from the floor. Through the skulls on the cane that Lamur was holding came screaming. The bodies’ eyes emitted a black light. 


The bodies were like zombies, letting out beastly roars while following Kang Hyuk. 

On the other hand, Cha Hyukkyu was standing outside the apartment, unable to take his walkie-talkie away from his mouth. On each floor of the apartment, he could hear noises of magic guns and swords swinging. 

With each clash of explosion, the hunters felt more and more tense. Cha Hyukkyu observed the apartment with cold eyes. Team 1 is already gone considering they’re not replying... Team 2... can’t reply because they’re mid-battle. But it’s just skeletons they’re fighting. I don’t get what’s happening inside, but it seems he’s a stronger necromancer than we had expected. 

“Take down the barrier,” he spoke towards the mages. 

“Sorry, sir?” 

“And shoot in magic through the walls and windows of the apartment,” Cha Hyukkyu continued. “Ah, fire balls would be good. It’ll be easier to hunt them whether they’re zombies or skeletons once they’re all burned up. It’d be even better if that necromancer dies from inhaling too much smoke, but of course, that wouldn’t happen.” 

“We’ll start.” 

The mages took down their barrier, and from both hands of each mage, red flames shot up. 

“Should we fire, sir?” 

“Do it!” 

The mages had their hands faced towards the apartment when someone interrupted. 

“Captain! It’s them!” 

Cha Hyukkyu’s gaze went to the apartment lobby. The skeleton soldiers were charging towards them with great speed. 

“Block the entrance! Hey! Shoot them!” 

The mages shot the flames like missiles, and one side of the apartment building was swept up in flames. The fire balls that made it in through the windows caused explosions, and each floor was swallowed up in flames. The hunters shot at the skeleton soldiers crowding the first floor lobby. As the hunters in the back were preparing to throw their magic bombs, something stopped them. 


A bone arrow from inside the apartment had pierced a hunter’s wrist, and a magic bomb fell behind a hunter that had been shooting.

Cha Hyukyyu’s eyes widened. He kicked off the ground and dodged the explosion that hit the hunters that had been firing towards the lobby. From within, Kang Hyuk appeared. Skeleton soldiers held their positions in front of him, and behind him were Cha Hyukkyu’s dead hunters. 

Chapter 14