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Chapter 146 - Demon Realm Dungeon

The massive number of demons from the Demon Realm dungeon swept through the Bengal region in a flash.


Boom! An enormous land dragon running on four legs continued to fire thorns that resembled horns from its back. The thorns hit the hunters like missiles and dug into their hearts where the mana paths conjoined. The thorns absorbed the mana and created a collision of mana inside the body. The hunters then exploded. These explosions swept out other hunters nearby.

“Everyone, use your holy water!”

The hunters began tossing potions with holy water inside at the monsters.


The monsters’ leather and skin melted as soon as the holy water touched them. The injured monsters retreated. The hunters continued to throw more holy water potions. The monsters were unable to approach places where holy water had touched.


The archers on standby began firing their arrows. The arrows flew across the air and dug into the demons’ hearts. The arrowheads were all dipped in holy water. The archers passed around holy water potions quickly and dipped their arrowheads into the potion before firing. The demons died out when hit with the arrows.


Chapter 146