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Chapter 106 - Power Absorption (1)

Labramovich’s information was very helpful in tracking down Baba Yaga’s spies. Baba Yaga heard that Kang Hyuk was capturing her spies at incredible speeds and began taking out all of her spies from the Balkan empire. The remaining spies heard her command and left eastern Europe. Kang Hyuk heard the report from his teammates that the spies had all escaped eastern Europe. Without the spies to interfere, eastern Europe was now much easier for KAng Hyuk to take over. The remaining people in power in eastern Europe had to make a choice: whether to die fighting or to surrender and be guaranteed the continuation of their privilegd lifestyle. Most chose to surrender. They preferred to continue with their luxurious lives rather than to die fighting. Kang Hyuk accepted those that surrendered and guaranteed them everything. Soon enough, all aristocrats that had shouted for retaliation disappeared like snow melting. Everyone wanted to be in submission to Kang Hyuk. Kang Hyuk had succeed in absorbing the rest of the power in eastern Europe. 

The Balkan aristocrats requested Kang Hyuk to be the official leader of the blood alliance. Kang Hyuk asked for some time and held a discussion with his teammates. Currently, Kang Hyuk had succeeded in dominating all of the Balkan...

Chapter 106