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Chapter 99

“Taehyun Kim...?”


“I’m glad I wasn’t too late.”


Seongjin Park’s face filled with disbelief as he stared up at the smiling boy—the Player who remained on the top of search trends during the Exhibition Games, and the one who made an overwhelming lead in Yvelian points, surpassing the usual contenders China and Japan.


He believed that the blood loss was causing hallucinations, as Seongjin Park would have never imagined finding Taehyun, the boy who always seemed to be at the center of an issue, down here in the Abyss, and inside of a tower within the deeper levels at that. 


“How are you...”


“Let’s talk later, shall we? For now…” Snap. Taehyun snapped his fingers, tightening the Chains of Restraint around the bound Flame Knights. Ch-r-r-r-r-ck. Ch-c-c-ck. The scene was similar to that of an execution ground.


Seongjin Park remained stunned as he watched this sight. Flame Knights were A-Rank monsters just like the Death Knights, but were co...

Chapter 99