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Chapter 95

White Midnight, Demonic Blade Shinji Nakata’s trusted sword, glided through the air. His opponent was another man who’d once been his ally, the previous S-Rank Player of Japan nicknamed the Demon, Ryohei Isaka.


Clang. Ryohei Isaka parried the attack with significant effort. Tremble. The sword that he’d stolen from a Player targeting him vibrated precariously from the force.


“Argh... Calm down, Demonic Blade! I am not your enemy!” Ryohei Isaka shouted in frustration once again to express his innocence.


“…” However, Shinji Nakata’s blade showed no mercy. 


Clang. Clang. Clang. “Gah...!”


Ryohei Isaka used his A-Rank skill, Sword Aura Release. Had his opponent been an ordinary S-Rank Player, and had their item been ordinary, he would have exhibited an unparalleled level of power. However, reality wasn’t ideal. His opponent was a National Level Player—one of the Players acknowledged as the best among S-Rank Players—and the sword that he wielded was...

Chapter 95