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Chapter 83

One of the Three Elders, Tetsu, politely led Xu Xin to the room that had been prepared.


“Welcome, Sir Xu Xin.”

“We’ve awaited your arrival, Sir Xu Xin.”

“Fufufu. It’s an honor to serve a prestigious National Level Player like yourself, sir.”

As soon as the doors opened, several women dressed in fancy outfits bowed to him. They were some of the best courtesans in Japan selected by Tetsu to entertain Xu Xin. However…

Schlk. Schlk. Schlk. Xu Xin began to collect mana in his hand, forming a scythe made of mana and severing the heads of the courtesans with it. Thump. Thump. Thunk. Thud. Rolllllll. Nobody screamed. They’d taken their final breath before they were even able to realize what had happened to them.

“Finally, some peace and silence.”


“Tetsu, you’ve lost your touch. Lead me to another room.”

“...As you wish.”

A moment later, three Yvelians and one Player came face to face at a new location. There was the Chaotic God Xu Xin, a member of the Chinese national team, and Three Elders Tetsu, the overlord of Japan’s shadows, with his two S-Rank Yvelian bodyguards.

Some would have belie...

Chapter 83