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Chapter 79

“Long time no see, Taehyun Kim,” the man called out to Taehyun, wearing his characteristic sinister smile.

“It looks like Japan’s pretty cornered, letting go of a guy like you.” Sighing, Taehyun prepared to activate his skill while keeping an eye on the Yvelians, who had yet to leave their seats. This was to immediately neutralize both the Yvelians and the man in front of him, Ryohei Isaka, if necessary.

‘The best I can do is capture this guy just as they leave…’ Taehyun scowled as he glanced at the unexpected intruder. Unlike himself, who needed to maintain a low profile in order to track Yvelians, Ryohei Isaka didn’t seem to care if people recognized him.

“Kekeke... You’re on alert. Well, I guess it wouldn’t do you any good to be recognized when you’ve gone through the effort of disguising yourself.”

Taehyun let out a small sigh at the generic taunt the man was using. He had once been a S-Rank Player of Japan, possessing the notorious title of Demon. However, because of Taehyun, the fact that he’d been cooperating with Yvelians had been exposed, and he lost all of the glory he’d built up. In order to prevent the nation’s reputation from falling, the Association did not report the incident in detail.  Still...

Chapter 79