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Chapter 69

[Accelerating mana consumption.]

Noticing the message that appeared once more, Taehyun deactivated his skill. “Hah... This consumes way too much mana,” he muttered to himself after downing his last mana potion.

In front of him, Milena was kneeling on the ground, staring into the empty void. It was difficult to believe she was an S-Rank Yvelian from her current state. “Uh... aeh... uhh…” She muttered unintelligibly until her head suddenly went limp.

“Oh, did her mind break?” Clicking his tongue, Taehyun stood back up. He no longer had any business with her. “Mr. Seongho Park?” He called out to Seongho Park, who’d watched everything from the side.


“Do you want to do the honors?”

“The... honors?” the man, unable to understand what Taehyun said, asked back. Without speaking, Taehyun pointed down to Milena. “Ah…!” Only then, realizing what Taehyun meant, did Seongho Park let out a small exclamation.

Taehyun Kim, an S-Rank Player and the person who saved his life, was currently giving him the chance to kill the S-Rank Yvelian Milena.


S-Rank Yvelians were considered a foe of humanity, for which not only a bounty but also substantial credit...

Chapter 69