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Chapter 65

“It looks like we’re about halfway through now,” said the man walking beside Ganghyuk Gwon, checking the map. He was an A-Rank Pathfinder with the skill Retracing Footsteps. On the map that he—the Vice-Guildmaster and Ganghyuk Gwon’s close companion—had drawn, about half of Labyrinth Minotaur was drawn out. They were all paths that the raider party had taken.

As the name Labyrinth suggested, the place boasted an elaborate and complex roadmap. However, they brought excellent Pathfinders, so it wasn’t strange that they hadn’t taken a single wrong turn thus far.

“I see. Thankfully, we’ve progressed smoothly so far,” Ganghyuk Gwon responded, looking around at the party members resting after their most recent fight.

In the past thirty years, thirty thousand Players had died attempting to clear Labyrinth Minotaur. The map that was made based on the memories of those who had survived was of great help to the successors. However, this was the end of the easy part of their exploration—mapped by the sacrifices of others. Their thirty years’ worth of information had come to an end. This meant that from now on, Ganghyuk Gwon’s party would need to begin their own perilous exploration.

“Of course, that would’ve been the case if it...

Chapter 65