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Chapter 55

When he opened his eyes, Taehyun saw a red sky, signifying that he was in the Abyss. The atmosphere was different from that of Earth. An ‘evil atmosphere’ considered the natural air of the Abyss passed through his mouth and nose. It was familiar to him as if he’d inhaled it just yesterday.

“It’s been a while.” This was the first time he came to the Abyss after regressing. Seeing the familiar yet foreign sight, Taehyun smiled bitterly. He was in the deeper levels of the Abyss, where A-Rank monsters were common, and S-Rank monsters began to make an appearance.

Unlike the beginning levels, which had a sort of village established, the Player Zones in the deeper levels were surrounded by barren land. Just looking at the Player Zone in front of him, there were only a few flimsy wooden huts, and aside from the few people standing guard, barely anyone was there. 

‘It’ll probably stay like this for another ten years.’ Almost a hundred years have passed since the existence of the Abyss had been revealed to civilians. Just like space travel, the Great Powers recognized the Abyss as a land of new opportunities, and numerous Players jumped into exploration. Player Zones, or Safety Zones, were created by the repetitive process of hunting or dy...

Chapter 55