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Chapter 46

Feeling a sort of déjà vu from the time at the Player License Exam, Taehyun opened the door to find Ayeong Lim standing there with a strange expression on her face. If there was just one difference, it was that the two people’s statuses had changed from applicants to officially licensed Players.

“What is it?”

“I had some business at the Association and heard that you returned to Seoul. I came to check up on you; I’m your class representative, after all.”

‘She’s terrible at lying.’ In contrast to her calm voice, she wasn’t even able to meet Taehyun in the eye. Seeing that, Taehyun let out a light chuckle. “Well, you’re my guest then. Want to come in?”

“Yeah, thanks.” As if she’d been waiting to be asked that, Ayeong Lim strode into Taehyun’s house.

‘Thinking about it, this is the first guest I had after getting a house from the Association.’ Taehyun was given a private home as soon as he’d been given his S-Rank license. Though he had this house, he’d spent most of the past month clearing dungeons, so Taehyun only used this place to sleep. Because of this, he didn’t even have the basic components needed to serve guests.

“Sorry. I don’t really have anything to serve.”


Chapter 46