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Chapter 179

The Homunculus Ant Queen, ruler of the Ant Cave, was a monster that had not been defeated in Taehyun’s past life. Taehyun was certain that the voice he heard belonged to the Homunculus Ant Queen. Up until this point, most monsters who had spoken to him in that manner were dungeon bosses.


Taehyun reached this conclusion based on his experiences and intuition, which he gained from hearing various monsters speak to him.


‘So this is what an SS+ Rank feels like,’ he thought, expanding his senses. The mana he spread to search through the cave continued to wander until it stopped in the middle of a wall.


“There you are.” Taehyun quickly approached the wall that he had located, and… Gr-r-r-r-umble. With a fist enhanced with mana, he prepared to strike the wall.


“Fufufu. Come here, my prey.”




“…!” The cave wall, which had seemed solid, suddenly widened into another opening like a mouth. There was a separate path that headed to the Queen.

Chapter 179