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Chapter 178

In the middle levels of the Abyss, Geohan Park swung his Rare Grade axe, Full Moon, in front of himself. “Get out of the way!” he shouted.


Schlk. The head of the A-Rank monster, Worm Gargoyle, was chopped off in the blink of an eye. Its death was quite anticlimactic, considering its notoriety in the middle levels. Surprisingly, however, there were more than ten corpses of such Worm Gargoyles on the ground around them, a scene created by the raid team of the Unilight Guild.


And the one that Geohan Park had just defeated had been the last monster in the area.


“Yeahhhhh!” With a roar, Geohan Park raised Full Moon in the air.




“Hurray for the Strategy Leader!”


“Everyone, follow the Strategy Leader!”


Cheers of victory were heard from the party. Among them were also a few Players who watched all of this quietly. They were Taewoo Jung, Chisoo Choi, and Taehyun under the disguise of Hyuntae Kim.


“The raid team has a high morale.&rdquo...

Chapter 178