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Chapter 165

The dungeon trembled. This was a common sign that a break was about to happen, but the four Players knew this was not an ordinary break.


“What’s going to happen now?”


“I can’t know everything, you know.” Taehyun casually brushed off the question. After all, it would be suspicious to know something that hadn’t even happened yet.




Ignoring the four other anxious party members, Taehyun tried clenching and unclenching his fist. An hour has passed since he battled the Medusa, and his body had recovered sufficiently.


He unleashed his mana, and his capacity of over 300 Mana extended out to the entire field of Medusa’s lair in preparation for what was to come.










Facing that immense mana, the others’ expressions shifted once more. It was difficult to believe that they were also Players like him; they only felt awe in the f...

Chapter 165