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Chapter 13

After leaving the auditorium, Taehyun headed to the central library.

Unlike normal high schools, Gungook High had a total of three libraries. The central library was the one that had the documents Taehyun wanted.

“Hello,” Taehyun greeted the librarian who was organizing the empty library’s books.

“Oh, Taehyun. What brings you here at this time of day?” The woman in her mid-forties, who was working diligently on a task, acknowledged Taehyun.

Since all of the students and school staff were gathered in the auditorium, the already quiet library felt almost deserted.

“It just felt like it’s been a while since I read some books.”

It was a known truth among those who cared enough to know that Taehyun Kim, the only unawakened in Gungook High, spent his spare time reading in the library. But the librarian's expression shifted as if she understood, even though the answer she received seemed meaningless.

“Is it the Player corner again?”

“Well, yes.”

“I hope you awaken your powers soon, Taehyun.”

“Me too.”

Receiving the librarian’s sincere words, he handed over his student ID and went inside. Though it had been fifteen years since he’d last be...

Chapter 13