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Chapter 107

That night, after he parted ways with Jinhee Ji, Ayeong Yoo, and Taewook Go, Taehyun secretly returned to his home using Stealth to find a parcel waiting for him in the living room.


It was the magic stones that he’d left to the Alchemist for analysis after the Exhibition Games had ended.


“It’s already here?”


Once the Exhibition Games were over, the magic stones transferred as points belonged to the participating representatives, which was also one reason why some Players preferred to be on the monster team.


“Looking at it like this... That sure is a lot.” He’d only been in the Abyss for less than two days, but since the Draconian’s Tower had been the size of a couple dozen dungeons, this could be considered the obvious outcome.


Taehyun took out each of the magic stones that were packaged in a special container. On top of the shining magic stones, there was a single white piece of paper; a note from Alchemist’s Guildmaster, Sangik Seo.


Player Taehyun Kim,


Chapter 107