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Chapter 103

Finally, Kaiselin’s anger exploded. Even among the arrogant Dragon race, the Red Dragons were known to have a short temper. 


It had been over a thousand years since he had altered his lair into the form of a tower. The monsters nearby had been scared off by his aura, not even coming close to his tower.


“You... You…”


But in the span of a single day, he’d encountered two beings who defied him, so it was natural for his pride to have been hurt.


Screeeeeech. With his anger now uncontrollable, Dragon Fear radiated in all directions. Although he did expend a considerable amount of power in the mental dimension, it didn’t make the monster’s Haki any more bearable.


“Argh…” His hands full with maintaining the summon, Taehyun didn’t have any time to defend. He grasped his throat as he took the attack with his bare body. Gurgle. He coughed up a mouthful of blood. ‘I’m going to die at this rate…’ he thought.



Chapter 103