Chapter 5 - When a Killer Acts as a Killer Character (2) 

Three months later.

It was finally the first day of shooting 'In the Name of the Devil' when Kyu-ha was to do his first scene, and it was the day for filming, probably the film's most important scene.

This is where Jung Won-geun (Song Kyu-ha) murders the wife of the main character Lee Seok-ja (Cha Kyung-seok).

Cha Mi-ran had been cast as Seok-jae's wife, Oh In-sook, and she was a decent actress with theater performance experience. 

Kyu-ha changed into the clothes handed to him by the costume team before going to meet her as she was reading the script. 

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Song Kyu-ha, acting as the character Jung Won-geun. I look forward to filming together with you today."

Cha Mi-ran looked Kyu-ha up and down, her displeasure present in her gaze.

"Please make no mistake. This film is significant to me as well. I heard that it's your first time acting. Take good care not to cause me any trouble."

Cha Mi-ran treated him harshly because she believed he had only gotten his role because of his agency. 

Kyu-ha smiled lightly before responding.

"I'll try my best not to bother you in any way. I'll see you later."

He then walked back to the costume team.

"Huh! We'll see who causes trouble!"

Cha Mi-ran swore to herself that she would humiliate Kyu-ha severely if he messed up and then continued reading her script. 


[In the Name of the Devil]

First introduction scene 

Oh In-sook (Cha Mi-ran) was heading home after shopping with her daughter to get her husband, Lee Seok-jae (Cha Kyung-seok), a present, as he was to be discharged from the military soon. 


Oh In-sook typically commuted by bus, so she often walked to the Yongin terminal from her home. 

It took around 20 minutes to get to the terminal, and she had to walk through an unpaved road where few people passed. 

She felt creeped out and was walking hurriedly. 

As she continued walking, she noticed a man wearing a gray jacket and black hat approaching her. 

She didn't think it was likely that the person was a stranger from outside the neighborhood, so she paid him little attention. 

The man turned around and called out as he passed by her. 

"Excuse me, ma'am."

She innocently turned around to see him smiling brightly at her. 


Oh, In-sook couldn't understand what had just happened to her. She felt something hot around her lower stomach, looked down, and saw a knife in her stomach. 



In-sook was so gripped with pain and panic that she couldn't even scream. Mere moaning and hard breathing were all she could manage. She glared at the attacker with pathetic rage. 

“Wh..why…? Ha…..”

Oh In-sook couldn't speak well, as her body was losing strength. 

"I just love looking into your face! What fun is it to attack from behind? Are they all morons, or what? Hehehe, It's amazing to see the face of a stabbed person!"

"Hey, just consider it your unlucky day. I didn't have any hard feelings for you. It's just… um… your face. It annoyed me a little."

Then, he approached Oh In-sook and pulled the knife out of her stomach. 


Blood gushed out of In-sook's stomach. 

"Anyways, goodbye. Let's never meet again, alright? Otherwise, I'll kill you again."

He pulled a hammer out of his jacket and struck hard on In-sook's head.  

"Yeah, I surely like hammers more than knives!"

Jung Won-geun walked away slowly after carelessly wiping the bloodied hammer on the grass, staining it with blood, and raising the creepy atmosphere. 

"O-okay, cut!"


Cha Mi-ran slumped helplessly into a chair her manager had prepared for her. 

Her shoulders shook. 

"Wha…what was that…?"

In her 18 years in theater, Mi-ran had worked with veteran actors and had experience performing cruel scenes, but this was different.

She had disapproved of Kyu-ha, considering him lucky to have gotten the role as he had not majored in acting, nor was he good-looking. 

But when the camera started rolling and she faced Kyu-ha directly, she felt terror on a level she had never experienced before. 

The fear was primal. The type only one confronted with a predator can feel. 

Director Go Yo-han praised her acting, calling it realistic, but she was distraught. 

"It was scary….. I was scared….. That one, he's out of his mind."

She prayed not to shoot any scenes alongside him again as she left the set. 


[In the Name of the Devil]

Lee Seok-jae, a former sergeant of the 707 Special Force, had just finished his honorable discharge ceremony with lots of congratulations from his comrades. He had vowed that from now on; he would be devoted to his family. 

However, he soon discovered that his devoted wife, Oh In-sook, was murdered brutally, causing his life to crash completely. 

"Uuggghhh, Sweetheart!! In-sook!!!"

Lee Seok-jae howled with a voice as hoarse as a wounded beast's. He was out of his mind with grief and was angry at the murderer. He swore to his wife that he'd spend the rest of his life avenging her death. 

"Wherever you hide, I'll find you… by any means…."

Fueled by anger, Lee Seok-jae spends several years finding criminals with similar charges and gathering information by torturing them. 

Eventually, he discovers that Jung Won-guen's murder pattern and profile match his wife's case. 


"Cut! Okay! Actor Cha, I loved the part where you were on your knees speaking to yourself..."

Director Go Yo-han enjoyed the actors' performances and satisfactorily called out the OK sign. 

Cha Kyung-seok had to take control of the early action in the story by himself, and he did it by acting superbly, delivering a performance that was appropriate given his fame.

"Haha. It hit me that I should be on my knees when talking to my dead wife."

While discussing his thoughts on the scenes with the director, he expressed concern.

"The next scene is where Lee Seok-jae and Jung Won-geun make the first phone call. Do you think Kyu-ha can do it well?"

"Hm… Well…. I think he will! Haha. My gut tells me he is not just another rookie."

Cha Kyung-seok flashed the director a meaningful smile and left to prepare for the next scene.

Kyu-ha tried to remember his past as a ruthless killer as he awaited his scene.

Initially, Lee-hyun only handled assassinations on request and did not commit unnecessary murders due to the regulation instructing assassins to ‘do only requested assassinations.’

However, once he had killed so many people that he could not keep up, he began killing people without hesitation, regardless of their age or gender.

There was no reason. Lee-hyun just killed anybody he felt like killing. 

He began by only attacking his victims' vital organs, allowing them to die painlessly, but he soon evolved into a monster who enjoyed watching people suffer. 

And so Lee Hyun became the notorious Demon-Masked Killer Phantom in the martial world.

However, too much greed brings you harm.

A rumor spread, saying that the Demon-Masked Killer Phantom kills anyone he comes across, and soon Lee Hyun was known by the whole martial world. 

But he was so deep into killing people that he couldn't get by a day without murdering someone. 


[In the Name of the Devil]

The scene of the first phone call between Lee Seok-jae and Jung Won-geun

A scene where Lee Seok-jae dials a phone number contrasts with another where Won-geun reads a forensic investigation magazine while eating snacks.

Jung Won-guen grabs his phone, which is ringing loudly, and looks at it. He hesitates a little before disconnecting the call from an unknown number and tucking the phone under the blanket. 

With a look on his face, Lee Seok-jae keeps dialing, and Jung Won-geun finally answers the phone with an irritated voice. He holds the phone under the blanket after pressing the "accept" button.

"Gosh, who is this?!"

Lee Seok-jae finally gets on a call with the prime suspect in his wife's murder, Jung Won-geun, whom he had followed for months. He calms himself down and asks.

"Jung… Won-geun?"

"Yes. And you are?"

"Last winter, did you kill a woman in her 40s at Youngin city?"


Jung Won-geun seemed slightly surprised but continued talking as if the call were entertaining. 

"Hm… I don't know. Maybe I did… Ah! Are you talking about that woman?"

This makes Lee Seok-jae sure that Jung Won-geun was the person that had brutally killed his wife. 

"Why did you do that?"

Won-geun answers the question unseriously. 

"Ah, it was nothing. I was just passing by, and she looked so happy. I just hated to see that. And so I had to… I'm sorry about that. Hehehe-"

Lee Seok-jae grits his teeth and growls at Jung Won-geun. 

"You just wait… I'll kill you with my own hands."

Jung Won-geun's eyes brighten as he makes fun of Lee Seok-jae. 

"What the fuck! Will you kill me? You crazy bastard! How can you catch me when even the cops can't? Come and get me. This is fun! I'll skin your face first when we meet." 



Jung Won-geun hangs up. 

Lee Seok-jae smiles coldly and circles Won-guen's name and phone number written on a piece of paper until he rips it with the pen, confident that Jung Won-geun is the murderer. 

"In-sook, wait just a bit more… I'm almost there."



The acting overwhelmed the people on set so that even the sound of breathing could not be heard. Only after the director gave the signal did they stop holding their breath. 

"Whoa… I can't even breathe! That was crazy."

"Uggg. It gave me goosebumps. Is he really a newbie? He didn't back down at all!"

"That part where he suddenly changed his tone was amazing."

The crew members were all talking about the scene that they just saw. 

Cha Kyung-seok watched the filmed video of the scene with the director before approaching Kyu-ha with a satisfied smile and putting his arms around his shoulders.

"Wow. You seemed insane. Kyu-ha, are you really new to acting? Oh, it's a compliment, by the way!"

"I just followed your lead."

"Haha. No, you did an excellent job on your own. Let's keep the wonderful job going. Ah! And from now on, treat me casually. Don't be so uptight!"

Cha Kyung-seok liked Kyu-ha because he wasn't like the other rookies, who were often intimidated by him and couldn't act properly. 

Hiding the goosebumps still in his arms, he returned to his van, murmuring. 

"What would he show next time? I look forward to it."

Chapter 5