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Chapter 46 - I Don't Have to Worry, Do I?

Open set shooting site in Goesan County of the North Chungcheong Province.

Time flew by like running water, and the sub-zero air left bodies frozen. However, numerous staff members of The Sovereign were moving toward the filming team as if the weather conditions did not subdue the flames of their passion.

It's often said that filming is the "art" of waiting, and the film site is the "continuation" of waiting.

There were no supporting roles or main characters before the long wait. Everybody was the same.

Although it is customary for senior actors like Park Chang-soo to advance the filming time, he had to wait for several hours until his turn came so as not to damage other actors' filming times or cause them to be delayed because of him.

Perhaps due to the senior actor's initiative, the actors' faces showed no signs of fatigue or exhaustion. As the number of historical and period dramas decreased, so did the number of stages on which they could naturally exhibit their abilities as positions requiring veteran actors dwindled. Therefore The Sovereign's filming was like reconstructing the stage for them. As such, the set was abuzz with excitement, expectation, and vigor...

Chapter 46