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Chapter 139 - I Can't Stand It Anymore

"Have you heard of the legend of the Island from the Sky and the Bretagne Mermaid?"

"Haha, it's better known as Le Mont Saint-Michel. Did you know that Mont Saint-Michel was a cathedral built because of an angel?"

"Did you say… angel?"

"That's right. Archangel Michael, the leader of the heavenly legion, appeared in the dream of Aubert, Bishop of Avranches, using his dream as a medium of communicating with him. And then he ordered him to build a grand cathedral on the rocky mountain. That's three times."

Kyu-ha's attention was drawn when the words "dream as a medium" came out of Frederick's mouth.

"So what happened?"

"Hohoho, well, Bishop Aubert ignored the words because he thought it was just a silly dream. So Michael got upset... No, he got furious and made a hole in Bishop Aubert's forehead."

"Well, he must have had good technique. Seeing that he didn't die."

"What!? Anyway, Bishop Aubert realized it wasn't just a silly dream and hurriedly built the cathedral. This may sound like a myth, but you should visit the Avranches Museum later. They have Bishop Aubert's skull on display, with the hole marks still clearly visible."


Chapter 139